Our Services

Remain confidential at this time.

Are available to those people that we have done or are doing business with only.

Welcome, welcome
If you know who we are then you know what we do. If you don't know who we are then

maybe one day you will find out.

This site has been put in place to inform any fellow internet travelers that if you receive mail from zentoid.org and have not done business with us then it is NOT from us.

Should this occur, we recommend that you delete it immediately as we have been informed that spammers/scammers are trying to use our good reputation to trick good folks like yourself into opening attachments or clicking links.

Do not open any attachments or follow any links that are allegedly from us (zentoid.org).

Just to reiterate

There are spammers/scammers out there trying to use the good reputation of zentoid.org to try scam fellow internet travelers.

  • If you receive mail from us
  • Have not done business with us
  • Don't know who we are
  • Just delete it!
  • It was not sent by us!
Don't do it
We send no emails to anyone

Unless we have done business with you in the last 6 months

or are currently doing business with you.

